
Preliminary Timetable
Thursday, 22. May 2014:
 from 15.00hRegistration Office open
18.00-19.30hFirst Inspection  /  only CAI2*-H1Horse Singles and CAI2*-P1 Pony Singles
20.30hReception and meeting of competitors, followed by a tour of wine cellars (guided tour in three wine cellars)
Friday, 23. May 2014Dressage
 09.00 to 10.50CAI2*-P1 Single Ponies Cl. S
11.10 to 12.40CAI2*-H1 Single Horse Cl. S
13.15 to 18.05CAI2*-H1 Single Horse Cl. S
19.00 to 20.00Inspection of Marathon Sections / all Classes
from 19.00h"Weinviertler evening buffet"  in the marquee
21.30hPrize giving ceremony Dressage / Single Horses and Ponies in the marquee
Saturday, 24. May 2014Dressage
 09.30 to 10.50CAN-C Zweispänner offen für alle Rassen Kl. L
10.50 to 11.20CAN-C Einspänner offen für alle Rassen Kl. L
 Obstacle Driving
from 14.00hHindernisfahren CAN-C Ein und Zweispänner Kl. L
from 15.00hObstacle Driving CAI2*-P1 Single Ponies Cl. S
 Obstacle Driving CAI2*-H1 Single Horse Cl. S
 19.30hDrivers´ Evening  in the marquee
21.30hPrize giving ceremony / Dressage and Obstacle Driving
Sunday, 25.May 2014Marathon
 from 09.00 hMarathon CAN-C Ein und Zweispänner Kl. L
~ 10.05hMarathon Driving CAI2*-P1 Single Ponies Cl. S
 Marathon Driving CAI2*-H1 Single Horse Cl. S
 ~ 16.00hPrize giving ceremony
Last update: 24.05.2014  12.00h